My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When I saw Maggie on Wednesday she asked who in the audience were criers. Some people raised their hands (not myself). She quickly informed them this book was guarenteed to bring on the tears. I thought of my friend sitting besided me and knew she would be doom to the kleenex curse. Well, I finished the book two days later at work, not the best place to finish this book. Really not good when you have your subordinate's coming in to ask questions and you have tears in your eyes. This book was a tense, touching read and I truly loved it. I'm sure at least one of the tears was because it was the last book. Magie's writing is read with easy and relatable at any level. The concept is is not too over the top that can't be grasped as reality. The details of science implied in this final installment ground the tale to a real foundation. I love the way she plays charactrs off one another and give them very distinct actions and voice that tie specificall to them. I especially enjoyed the scenes with Rachel and Grace's family and Rachel and Sam. Maggie also does a incredible job of varying family dynamics that stay true to how the more central characters of the story act and have been molded into who they are. I would definately recommend this book to everyone but would tell them not to rush through them. Read it, savor it, take in the scent of the story and really enjoy it. It is so worth it!
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